
Source Guide for Research on Women Instrumentalists c.1840-1960.


A guide to documentation of musical careers of women

string, woodwind, brass and percussionists

compiled by

Patricia D. Backhaus, DMA


The information contained in this document is intended to help scholars in their research on women in music.  It has been compiled from a large number of resources and these should help scholars, Master’s degree and Doctoral students with finding suitable research topics.

Dr. Patricia D. Backhaus is regarded as a leading international scholar in the field of women in band music.  As a cornet soloist, she has done extensive research on women cornetists.  She is on the faculty of Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and has toured extensively as a soloist, clinician and adjudicator.   She is President-elect of Women Band Directors International, Inc.  Dr. Backhaus plays Getzen cornets.

For more information, or to make corrections and additions, Dr. Backhaus may be contacted at:  CornetPat@aol.com